Visit Bangkok Thailand for vacation and go back to your country with a very beautiful bright white smile.
If you decide to do veneers, just visit Bangkok Thailand for one week vacation. You can visit Thailand for free or save your money back to your country.
Porcelain Veneer is the most popular cosmetic dentistry because it can improve color, shape, length and teeth arrangement to get the beautiful straight white smile by just only restore the facial surface of the teeth. And with the advance digital technology now we can make Digital smile design. With the Intra oral scanner we can bring the 3D image of the teeth in to computer. We can design the veneer to suit your need and then print the 3D Porcelain veneer out and bond to your teeth. This will confirm that you will get satisfaction to your new beautiful smile.
Popular Topics of Porcelain Veneer
- What is Porcelain Veneer
- History of Porcelain Veneer Treatment
- How can Porcelain Veneer bond to the tooth
- Material use to do Dental Veneer
- Procedure in making Porcelain Veneer
- Advantage and disadvantage of Porcelain Veneer
- Is the Temporary Veneer necessary?
- How to take care of your Porcelain Veneer
- Is Porcelain Veneer expensive. What is the cost of the Porcelain Veneer
- How strong is the Porcelain veneer, how long does it last
- Is the Gum lifting necessary before Dental Veneer
- Art and science in Dental Veneer
Procedure in making Porcelain Veneer
Step 1
Visit our dental clinic for making Treatment planning which include Intra oral examination , Still and Clip Digital Image and Panoramic Xray. Our dentist will analyze your smile and discuss how to make you a beautiful smile. You can offer you suggestion what kind of smile that you want to our dentist, so our dentist will make the style of the smile to suit your need. Normally to change you smile we will make 16 Veneers on upper and lower front teeth from 1st left premolar to 1st right premolar. If the patients agree to the Treatment planning we will make 2 appointments. First visit for preparation of the teeth and the second visit for the delivery of the veneers. If we make appointment in advance we can finish in 4-5days
Step 2
Visit our dentist for preparation of your veneer. We will record your original teeth and occlusion. Grinding your teeth only on the facial side. Take impression with Intra oral Scanner to sent the information to the Dental Laboratory to make your Porcelain veneers. Normally we do not have temporary veneers for the patients. For the patients who need the temporary veneer can tell our dentist on the first visit so we can prepare the Snap-On temporary veneer to use after finishing grinding the teeth. Temporary veneer has extra cost.
Picture after grinding teeth
Step 3
Visit our dentist for delivery Porcelain veneers. Our dentist will bond the Porcelain Veneer to the prepared teeth. Then check the occlusion back to the original occlusion. The teeth and your smile will look white and beautiful as we have planned. We will let the patients go back to use the veneers and come back again for recheck and final polishing the Porcelain Veneer.
Step 4
After the patients have use the Porcelain Veneer for a while and come back to recheck. May be our dentist will adjust the veneers for the patients need. After the patients satisfaction our dentist will final polishing all the veneers and complete case.
Before & After:

What is Porcelain Veneer
Porcelain Veneer is the restoration that restore only on facial surface to correct the discrepancy of the original tooth such as dark teeth, abrade teeth, too small or too big teeth. It also can correct the crook teeth to be straight teeth. The objective of veneer is try to correct the abnormality by grinding as less as possible which will grinding only on facial side. And now with the advance Adhesive Dentistry we can bond this Porcelain veneer to teeth with strong and beautiful result. So Porcelain Veneer is one kind of conservative treatment that make the ideal result in cosmetic dentistry
History of Porcelain Veneer Treatment
In the old time we cannot do Porcelain Veneer since the Adhesive Dentistry is still not advance. Crown or filling is still use the mechanical retention which have to use the parallel wall to give the retention. So we still can not do Veneer. The improve adhesive dentistry by using mild acid to make the teeth surface to be rough and use the bonding system to penetrate and bond with the tooth surface is now give the enough retention make the Porcelain veneer technic happen. Now we can restore only on facial surface with Porcelain Veneer and avoid the crown technique that have to grind all around the tooth. This why Porcelain Veneer is so popular nowadays
How can Porcelain Veneer bond to the tooth
Porcelain veneer is fix to the tooth by using Resin cement. On the Tooth surface side we use the mild acid to treat tooth surface to be rough and use bonding agent to flow to rough surface of the tooth which will bond to the resin cement. On the Porcelain surface side we use Porcelain acid to make the rough surface and use silane apply to the porcelain surface to get more efficiency in bonding and bond the Porcelain veneer with the resin cement.
Material use to do Dental Veneer
There are 2 kinds of materials use to do dental Veneer
- Composite veneer
Composite resin that use to do veneer is the same as the Tooth color Composite resin that use to do filling. But the Composite that use in dental Laboratory will improve more strength of the material. There are 2 kind of technic to do Composite veneer. One is indirect composite veneer. The dentist will prepare the teeth, take impression and send to Dental Laboratory to create the Composite veneer back to bond with the teeth. We can also do direct composite veneer by make filling direct on to the Facial side of the tooth. - Porcelain Veneer
Porcelain is the better material to do veneer. It give more strength, more durable in color, more beautiful, more surface hardness to make teeth not to be worn out by time, shiny and look more natural. This will give a good long term property to make teeth look beautiful by time. Porcelain veneer can do only in indirect technic and is the most popular material to do Dental Veneer.
Advantage and disadvantage of Porcelain Veneer
- Advantage
- Make teeth to be white and beautiful
- Make a better teeth arrangement
- Make a beautiful bright white smile.
- Disadvantage
- We have to grind out some of the tooth material on Facial surface
- Give a little bit low strength than natural healthy tooth but still strong enough to chew any thing like natural tooth
- May be Porcelain veneer are not durable than the natural healthy tooth. But with the advance technology we can use Porcelain veneer for a very long time. The clinical result in 10-15 years is still very good.
Is the Temporary Veneer necessary?
The procedure in making Porcelain veneer, we have to grind out some of the facial surface of our anterior teeth. Then take impression and send to Dental Laboratory to created veneer back to bond to the teeth which will take about 5-7 days. Is the Temporary veneer necessary? After we have grind some of the facial surface out, teeth will look thiner and a little bit shorter. May be it will get some gap between the teeth. If before the patients come back for the next visit to bond the veneer in, the patients need to use their smile in social we can do Temporary Veneer. If it not so necessary, it no need to do Temporary Veneer. Temporary Veneer have extra cost for it. Temporary Veneer can do in 2 Technics as follow
- Direct Veneer by Composite resin filling material. After the dentist have prepare the teeth, he will treat just some area of the teeth to bond with the composite resin and do the direct composite veneer on to the teeth. This technic will do only on the upper teeth to avoid the occlusion to make the temporary veneer to fell out
- Snap-on. This is a better technic to do Temporary Veneer. But we have to prepare it before hand. Our Dentist will take impression and do the snap-on before the patients come to prepare the teeth in the next visit. After prepare the teeth our dentist will put the removable snap-on to cover the upper and lower teeth. This snap-on is a thin tooth color plastic that made by The Vacuum former machine. This technic can do only upper teeth or you can do in both arches
การทำวีเนียร์ชั่วคราวด้วย SNAP ON
How to take care of your Porcelain Veneer
How to clean and maintenance your veneer is like what you do in the natural teeth. You have to brush and floss all your teeth at least 2 times a day, in the morning and before going to bed. You can bite anything that the natural teeth can bite. Avoid the too hard food that the natural teeth cannot bite too such as: Crap, nail, bottle lid etc. Avoid the stain food such as: Coffee, Coke, wine. This will make our veneer to get yellower. Visit dentist every 6 months to clean your teeth. The result of the research come out that Porcelain veneer will get less stain than Composite resin and natural teeth
Is Porcelain Veneer expensive. What is the cost of the Porcelain Veneer
The cost of Porcelain veneer is around 60-70% of dental crown. The cost of 1 Porcelain veneer is 12,000 Baht.If you do more than 3 veneers the cost will be 11,000 Baht on each veneer. Normally in the case that want to change your smile, we will do 16 Veneers to cover the patients smile from left1st premolar to right 1st premolar on upper and lower teeth. The total 16 Veneers will cost 176,000 Baht You can consider the table beneath this paragraph. Or you can consider all of our treatment fee by this link.
1 AUD = 22.85 THB |
1 EURO = 36.96 THB |
1 USD = 34.31 THB |
13,000 |
569 |
352 |
379 |
4 - 5 days |
Composite Veneer |
11,000 |
481 | 298 | 321 |
4 - 5 days |
Extream Makeover (16 upper and lower anterior) |
192,000 |
8,402 |
5,194 |
5,596 |
4 - 5 days |
How strong is the Porcelain veneer, how long does it last
There are a lot of study of longevity of Porcelain veneer . One of the study show that the survival rate of veneer is 91% in 12 years. The popular problem is crack or braking some part of the Porcelain veneer Sincerely if the the teeth has good preparation and good right original occlusion outcome , the veneers will have very less problem and can use for a very long tome
Is the Gum lifting necessary before Dental Veneer
In the case that the level of the gum is good is no need to do any Gum surgery.But in some case that the level of the gum is not beautiful such as: gummy smile, the level of the left and right gum is not symmetry. Gum surgery and Porcelain veneer will improve your smile and give the bright white straight smile
Art and science in Dental Veneer
To created the right beautiful smile need a lot of experience of the dentist. Porcelain veneer is a transparent material. So the original color of patients teeth have effect to the final color. The thickness of the veneer, the opacity of the cement will have effect to the final color. Only the experience dentist will give the patients the right result to suit the patients need. Some people want very white teeth, some want less, someone like high translucency to give the natural color. This is the detail that the dentists must emphasize into the detail before beginning to do veneer. In the case that have poor arrangement of the teeth, only the experience dentist will know how to get the beautiful result. In some highly poor arrangement teeth, experience dentist can make out a unbelievable result.