Pure, White and Deadly is the title of a book by John Yudkin in which he outlines the dangers of sugar. While Yudkin’s words ring true, the book was written in 1972, his research was either ignored or attacked and it spelled the end of his career. In the modern era, health experts claim sugar is as harmful as tobacco yet it is contained in almost every food on the planet it seems.
Sugar – The Great Destroyer Of Teeth
There are various studies on how excess sugar consumption can lead to obesity and a host of medical problems but what about the severe damage it does to our teeth? When you consume sugar, the bacteria in your mouth converts the sugar to energy and the result is acid formation which damages the enamel of your teeth. When you fail to brush your teeth, these acids erode your enamel and over time this will lead to cavities.
Carbonated Drinks – The Assistant Assassin
Carbonated drinks, also known as fizzy drinks or sodas, are a great way to completely ruin your teeth. Carbonation speeds up the process of wearing down enamel and when combined with sugar, it becomes a deadly assassin with your teeth as the victim. If you do consume sugar or carbonated beverages, do so with a meal as this helps to neutralize the acids. Sipping on carbonated beverages during the day is one of the fastest ways to end up with a mouth full of cavities.
Unfortunately, the modern diet is filled with sugar so if you don’t practice excellent oral hygiene, you will end up in the dentist’s chair more often than you would like. In some cases, a cosmetic dental procedure can help improve the appearance of your teeth if they are damaged but nothing beats a healthy diet and good oral hygiene when it comes to keeping your teeth in pristine condition.
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